Internet Sign-Up


to Your Signup Server's Page Connect page.

This is last local page your applicant will see before a dial-up connection is made to your signup server.

Pressing the Continue button will transfer control back to the ICW and open a "Connect to Signup Server" page.

The Continue button should be linked to a file of type .isp, the Cancel button should be linked to a file of type .ins that will cancel the signup process.


Click here to continue with signup.
Click on the Cancel button if you don't want to sign up at this time.


Customizing this Page

You can customize this page, adding graphics and even additional pages if desired, but don't change the pages's filename from "signup.htm". Place your customized files inside the Internet Setup folder next to the Installer that the IEAK wizard creates.

For more information on customizing this page, refer to the IEAK documentation.